We’re here to make period pampering normal.
Your body is amazing, so give it superior treatment!

our story

our mission

rel Eve co. is committed to sourcing and providing the best, clean + sustainable period-care essentials and menstrual health specialty goods so you can treat yourself  to a more enjoyable period. We know you want environmentally friendly products with clean ingredients. So we’ve found them for you and brought them here for you to shop! There’s an abundance of period-care products available here in the U.S., and yet there are very few online shops dedicated to selling them in one place. We’re here to change that. Our shop is dedicated to offering you the best, all-natural period products from our shelf, to your doorstep!

from the founder

from the founder

After switching to a more holistic lifestyle to heal my body from debilitating cramps, I found clean and sustainable period-care products to lower my PMS symptoms and give me the relief I desperately needed. But I soon found there was not a central place to order all my products. 

One day (while on my period), I got the idea of having all my non-toxic, all-natural period care products shipped to my door from a period shop. So I decided to create it. Hence, rel Eve co. was born!

Your Body is Amazing

Each month, our bodies go through an amazing cycle that we may not notice until our period comes. Even still, it's there. In our emotions, food cravings, and desires that can change at a moment's notice. 

We give of ourselves all month long, but when our period comes, we treat it as an inconvenience instead of celebrating and honoring what our bodies can do. 

Here at rel Eve co., you're invited to embrace the wonder of your menstrual cycle and give your body the support it needs during your bleeding phase and every phase in between. 

This shop was created to equip you with the products needed to treat yourself to a period spa experience. Go ahead, indulge!

I want to make women feel free, every month, to make period pampering normal!

♥ Jasmine, founder of rel Eve co.

Contact Jasmine at jasmine@releveco.com

our values

We only select the best, clean + sustainable period-care products to go in our market. Some products featured are from your favorite brands, others are from stellar small businesses. All menstrual-care products are sourced to be non-toxic and from American-based companies. We want to make sure you’re getting the best, top notch menstrual-care treatment during your period and beyond!

No bad stuff | red flower
Cruelty free | red flower
U.S made | red flower
Non-toxic | red flower
All natural | red flower